
How can I make my house less draughty?

There is nothing worse than cosying up on the sofa ready to work your way through an entire series on Netflix and eating your body weight in chocolate, only to feel a dreaded draught on the back of your neck. It is not just uncomfortable, unhealthy and a nuisance, it wastes a ton of energy…


Which is the best wood for windows?

As we continue to work towards securing global net-zero, keeping global warming to a 1.5 degrees level, and protecting natural habitats and communities against the effects of climate change, it has never been more important to conscious about changes we can all make as businesses and individuals. As a natural product, wood is a renewable…

How to stop condensation on windows

Ever heard the saying ‘great oaks from little acorns grow’? Well, it is a suitable way to describe the impact condensation can have if left to its own devices. Condensation occurs when warm air collides with cold surfaces, or when there’s too much humidity in your home. Central heating can be a common culprit when…

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Are sash windows safe?

With so many reported incidents of children accidentally falling from windows and intruders perpetrating homes via windows, it’s no wonder that the question ‘are sash windows safe’ is commonly asked. The answer is yes, as long as window restrictors are installed to limit how far the window can be opened, sash windows are safe. This…

How to clean wooden sash windows

How to clean sash windows

If you’ve invested in installing or repairing wooden sash windows, then you’ll be keen to keep them looking like new for as long as you possibly can.  Cleaning and maintaining your windows is not just about keeping up with the Jones’s, it will help keep them in great working order and condition for longer. The…

What are VOC paints?

If you are planning on undertaking a project soon, paint colour will not be far from your thoughts.  What type of paint you choose is also very important, not just for the finish it provides, but in terms of health, safety and the environment as well. VOC stands for “Volatile Organic Compound”. VOCs are chemicals…

How to treat wooden window frames?

If you have, or are about to invest in, beautiful wooden windows, you will be keen to know how you can maintain them to ensure they are looking tip top for many years to come.  Hardwood windows that are well cared for can add significant value to a home and above all else, if you…

Are timber sash windows energy efficient?

Sash windows often conjure thoughts of draughty Victorian properties with rattly window frames filled with single paned glass, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.  In fact, sash windows are extremely energy efficient and the only cause for draughts or rattles generally comes down to a building being so old and uncared for that…

How to secure sash windows?

Our home should be our safe haven and protecting it from intruders is as important as ever. Security for sash windows has upped its game in recent years making it easier to secure sash windows whilst preserving the period character of your property. We take a look at the best ways to ensure optimum sash window…